Sunday, May 18, 2008

Oh Boy, Here It Comes!

Today it was HOT. Yup, over 100 degrees already. Actually, yesterday was too... so it's time for my summer schedule. Up at the crack of dawn, as soon as I can see, to work outside until it gets too hot (sometimes that's 7:00 AM!!!) Anyway once it gets hot it's inside to work a bit or get some computer time, then TAKE A NAP :) do some more work inside then about 6:00 PM it's back outside to work until I can't see any more... makes for some short nights!

The funny thing is, I remember as a teen walking down the sidewalk at 3:00 in the afternoon in July and August in my BARE FEET. The heat didn't bother me at all back then. Guess I am getting old...

Still wouldn't trade it for a winter of snow though!!!


Sara said...

God, it's horrible isn't it??? I live in the high desert of Southern California, about an hour-ish from death valley. We had the heat bad yesterday. It's not looking too nice today either. Sure hope that it's gonna cool down some! It's hard to even leave the house, I HATE the heat! Augh....I feel your pain!

Debby said...

Today, it was cold here. 40 degrees. I'm afraid to complain though.