OK so Maricopa County (which is where we live for those of you out of state) has a program right now they call The Big Fix, you send in your application which you download online and for a mere $29 you can get your rabies vaccination, license AND "fix" (spay or neuter) - well, not you, but for your dog or cat. And if you already paid the outragious vet bill for the rabies shots which I did, and the outrageous license fee for un-fixed animals which I did, for the surgery only there is actually NO CHARGE. ***remember that - no charge!*** So I sent off for Zacchaeus and Hannah (Sherman is not old enough yet). It is supposed to take about 2 weeks for the vouchers to arrive. They were somewhat late. Hannah came into heat. I admonished the girls and Randy, and was very careful myself - IF HANNAH IS IN THEN ZACCHAEUS MUST BE OUT!!!!! IF HANNAH IS OUT THEN ZACCHAEUS MUST BE IN!!!!! NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!
So two weeks ago on Wednesday Lindsey calls me and says "Mom Hannah and Zacchaeus are stuck together, what do I do?"
How about just SHOOT YOUR MOTHER. Geez you guys, how hard is it to have one dog in, and the other one out. Lindsey claims it was Hilary. Hilary insists it was not her. And the vouchers arrived in the mail the next day. Sigh.
Anyway Zacchaeus is now fixed. He looks very strange to us without his set of purple grapes. Well, that IS what they looked like! However I am waiting on Hannah, to see what happened. I'm sorry but if there is a chance, I can't be party to an abortion... and Sherman is so stinkin' cute that any little brothers and/or sisters ought to be easy to find homes for... but I am praying that once was NOT enough for a change.
Just in case - anybody want a puppy???? Mikey you KNOW Wade wants one to ride around in the truck with him!!!!!
PS the FREE neuter cost me $57 in "mandatory" (for this vet) pain meds which are over and above what the voucher covers. In the fine print on the voucher it says to be sure and ask if there are any ancillary charges for that particular vet which will not be covered by the voucher. Lovely. But hey, without the voucher it would have been well over $200... Again, sigh!
However I will be sending off for a voucher for Sherman once he "drops"! I've paid full price often enough I don't feel bad taking advantage of this program, and I hope a lot of county residents are doing the same.