Monday, April 20, 2009

"My" Room

You will remember that Lindsey moved out in January. For a variety of reasons I waited a bit to start on her room... mostly because we needed a place to dump a mess while we did another room in the house, and now that room is done and the stuff is back in it... that is Randy's room so it doesn't get to be in the blog lol.

My plan has been, for a long time, to make Lindsey's room "MY" room. A place that would stay clean, and a place to sleep with no snoring...

Well thanks to the breathing machine I can now sleep with my husband so I don't need my own room. But I am still gonna put it together, it can be a guest room or whatever...

As of tonight it has been totally stripped, repainted and new tile on the floor...

The walls are a really light shade of blue, something with Heaven in the name but I forget lol. But sometimes they look more purple, depending on the light...

Now, for furniture :)


Debby said...

Oh gees. We have empty rooms in our house too. One contains an entire set of kitchen cupboards. Another contains lights, a vanity, things like that. If I had an empty room, Susan, I'd be filling it with something quick like before my husband found out it was empty. He tells me that this stuff will be out of there 'soon'. I think he may have said that just so I'd let him put a heat exchanger in the living room. *rolls eyes in frustration* Do not get into the home renovation thing.

Momma / Cowgirl said...

Too funny about having a room that will stay clean. Nice tile!

I have 2 empty rooms that we use for when we have the kids out visiting from California, and it seems that they can't even stay clean even though no one goes in them... LOL