Sunday, April 26, 2009

Monkey Business

Mikey put a camel on her blog so I am countering with...


Ok so this is not such a good picture of me {eyes rolling here} but isn't Tyra cute?!?!? I called Randy after that and told him I had just gotten hugged by a monkey...


"I said, I just got hugged by a MONKEY!"

"Oh no, NO MONKEYS!"

To which I replied, don't worry honey, they are too much like human kids! It was fun to visit with Tyra but I MUCH prefer my donkeys and my doggies!!!

PS - her "big brother" Mikey actually reached out of his cage and PULLED MY HAIR!!! All I did was pick up a piece of monkey chow out of his bowl and try to hand it to him - very carefully as I had been warned that he bites... the little sucker scared me!!!

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