Sunday, August 10, 2008

Luna's 3rd Ride

After 3+ hours on the Deer Hill Trail this morning we got back and it was starting to sprinkle but I wanted one more chance on Luna, everyone was busy so I just switched the saddle from Katie to Luna and led her over to the picnic table (my hand mounting block). She had no response to my getting on which was great... however she also had no response to my asking her to move forward... not so great! I kicked a little harder and she BACKED UP INTO A PINE TREE - so I called over to Sabrina to come and help me again and bless her heart, she got us out of the tree and then walked the whole circle with me again. But this time I asked her to just walk next to us and not hold the lead rope, and Luna was so cute, she kept turning her nose to bump Sabrina's shoulder as if to make sure she was not alone. Sabrina was very careful with us, and did grab hold when a dog came near, and when the camp host started his golf cart, but Luna was very calm about it all. Especially the golf cart, which at home means FOOD!!! Tom was handy with his mega camera and got a couple of nice shots :)


Debby said...

Susan: I am jealous. I think that I would like horse-riding.

Debby said...

PS Glad you're weren't cougar et.

kdwhorses said...

Sounds like alot of fun!

I rode in the rain this morning. My theory is wait it out, it won't last long!

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Wow! Luna did great! And she is so pretty, too.
Good for the two of you!

My horse still tends to back up if she doesn't want to go forward. Sounds like Luna's on her way to becoming a well trained horse.