Thursday, July 31, 2008

Zack's All Better

You will remember the other day that Zack apparently ate some of his mama's poop and was feeling puny... happy to report he's all better now and terrorizing his big brother and Vada as well as his siblings. This is the pup that was nursing before he was even all the way out of the sac... he barks the most, growls the most, seems to do EVERYTHING first or most...

Methinks Ken is going to have his hands full with the little guy LOL.


Debby said...

It just amazes me how quickly they grow!

kdwhorses said...

Man I am glad I don't live close, I would have to have one of these guys! LOL!

Momma / Cowgirl said...

I want one... LOL Actually I can't right now, but I still want one.

I have a little something for you over on my blog, stop on by and take it, if you have this already, no need to pass it along again.
take care and happy horsin' around!