Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Turkey Day Is Coming

And I have been getting LOTS of e-mails with cute stuff. As in yesterday's post lol. Here's my favorite pictorial offering...

Actually kind of appropriate since today was a real TURKEY. Had an appointment with a client, who has cancer, but got a call yesterday that she took a turn for the worse and was hospitalizec. So instead of her coming to the office, off to the hospital we went. It was very uncomfortable :( and I felt really bad for her family as this is most likely their last Thanksgiving with their mother/grandmother but here's the thing... she was a heavy smoker all her life and what she has is MOUTH cancer...

Not that I would wish such a horrid disease on anyone, and I know there are lots of people that never smoked that still get cancer... but it really made me thankful that I have never smoked!

And then I feel bad because I feel more sorry for the family than for the woman...

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