Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Poor Wade!

He came to shoe this afternoon and among other things I had him trim the new mare... when I came home he was just finishing up so I got a chance to chat with him. He said he thought that red mare was going to kill him... OOPS! I forgot to warn him that the owner and boarding place call her "the red b*tch" and why...

See Glory has this habit of pinning her ears and swishing her tail... she will let you walk up to her in the pasture, and even approach you, but she looks like evil incarnate while doing it... until you reach her and touch her and then the ears come up and they say it's all show, she had not actually bitten or kicked anyone in the two months she has been with them, nor has she done tha there...

But man oh man when she comes at you with those ears pinned and that tail swishing you just KNOW something is gonna happen... {cringe} and then it doesn't. Now I am laughing at her and actually she is already better with me...

Sorry Wade!!!!!

And tonight, it was Luna's turn to ride. Unfortunately Laurie couldn't make it so we didn't get off property, but I tacked her up and got on and rode around the yard for a while, and WOW! Who are you and WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY LUNA????? She was mellow, she was perfect... no problems at all! And Lindsey told me that she really didn't get to ride her as much as she had hoped... so did my girl grow up finally? Did she think she was banished for the summer for bad behavior? Did she miss me? I'll never know WHY but I can tell you I am LOVING this mare...

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