Sunday, March 1, 2009

Oh My Aching Everything...

Well today was the first "bad" ride I had on Luna. And it wasn't really bad, just not so good I guess. I wondered if it was the wind, but it's been windy before and no problem. I wondered if it was the other horses, but she's been out with strange horses before and no problem. I think I finally figured out that this was the first time she was out with me riding her, that two of my friends borrowed Paint Mare and Katie and they were along too. Every time another horse got close to either one of them, or if either one of them got "too far" away from her (in her opinion!), she pitched a fit. But I done good!!!!! I stayed on, I made her behave, I wasn't scared - just a little angry and I handled it without getting really pissed and overreacting... and we had a safe and successful ride. But DAMN I hurt all over now...

She's gonna have to learn to live with sharing her mama and Aunt Katie because I don't intend to leave them home all the time if I can get someone to ride them too, ALL the girls need regular exercise...

And now I am off to have some ice cream as my reward, and GO TO BED!

1 comment:

Debby said...

I'm glad you stayed on...