Friday, March 6, 2009

Blessing In Disguise

I didn't say anything when it happened - hindsight being 20/20, I should have asked for prayers then, maybe we wouldn't be facing this... but on MLK Day, when Lindsey came back for one last load of stuff, she brought Zeus, her {intact} pup with her, and didn't watch him. Darci was in heat and had been running with our "stud" chihuahua Radar, no worries, he's a little young yet we thought but if it happens fine, and if not fine. Anyway I was out back working and had Darci outside with me, next thing I know i hear her shrieking from behind the barn so I go running and OMG Zeus is locked with her...

Fast forward to this afternoon, since Darci is obviously pregnant we set an appointment to have an x-ray done, to see what's what. Well there are 3 pups for sure, possibly 4 as the vet saw what looked like another spine but couldn't find another head to go with it, so it might have been directly behind one of the heads he did count... If they are Radar's pups and he got her early in her heat, she could have then in the next few days and be fine. We never saw them locked, but we weren't always home so they could have... If they are Zeus' pups, she is not due until 2 weeks from Monday and they are already of a size to be ready to be born if they are full chihuahua, so they will grow quite a bit more in the next two weeks and we are looking at a probable emergency C-section. And did I mention that we live an hour from the nearest emergency animal hospital... GEEZ! And Radar is older than Zeus, this whole thing just should NOT be happening...

If you pray, pray for my Darci - and for me. I don't know what I would do if I lost my girl...

Oh, and as for the blessing in disguise part - well, with Randy layed off, he is around to keep an eye on her...

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