Thursday, August 12, 2010


That's what the e-mail said I got from Debby in the middle of the night... in 24 hours we will meet...

Now it's less than 24 hours... I am all packed* and dropped off at work, I am allowed to leave after our 2pm house call so it is arranged that I text Randy when we leave the client's house so he can be driving to my office as my boss and I are driving to my office...

I hate traveling, the day we leave I am always a basket case, what did I forget to pack, what did I forget to tell the caretaker about the animals... did I kiss everyone goodbye? Well ok I don't kiss them ALL, in fact I counted this morning and before the sun came up I had fed breakfast to 55 animals... {sigh} thankfully they are not ALL mine and hopefully at least 5 little goats will be back home where they belong before I return...

But we are leaving this evening - oh and for any internet stalkers, the house will not be unattended while we are gone, so don't bother trying to cause trouble!


*well ok I THOUGHT I was all packed, I have already had to text Randy to grab 2 things I forgot!!!

1 comment:

BB said...

Holy smoke... you guys had some excitement. Make sure you post up your footage of the crash!!!