Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hindsight Being 20/20...

The misbehaving daughter was back last night for a second load of her stuff. Looks like she has one more to go... First words out of her mouth when she walked in the house were...

"I am so miserable."

I didn't comment.

A little later she asked if she would ever be allowed back here. I wasn't sure how to respond as hubby has already stated that IF she comes back, it won't be for free... so I just said "If you are asking me right now this minute, the answer is no. In time, based on your behavior, we will have to see."

She then commented that she knew she had to take the consequences of her actions...

Hhhmmm. Is she getting smart already or just saying what she thinks I want to hear?

I'm really not sure because the "boy" who is a big part of the problem was right there "helping" her move...

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