Sunday, June 19, 2011

Got My Aspen Fix!!!!

Thanks so much to Rachelle and hubby Mike who hosted a group of us near Kindrick Park, north of Flagstaff... I have been so sad ever since the Little Elden area burned last summer, it was the best place ever to go for aspens... the trees aren't quite as big or as thick as Little Elden but wow did I EVER get my aspen fix!!!

This is our camp - made the trip with my friend Pat :)

Heading down the trail... wait... what's that I see ahead???

ASPENS!!! The first of many patches :)

Sherman leading the way

Rocket catching a quick drink at a tank

They are such good little trail doggies!!!

Another stand of aspen

This one had FERNS!

There was still snow at Snowbowl!

Sunday's trail took us through an old burn... very sad...

I took 139 pictures so if you want to see them all, you can go here:

1 comment:

Ranch Girl Diaries said...

Beautiful photos, looks like a great ride!!!