Thursday, December 18, 2008

Born in the Soup!!!

Well, actually, his mama's pen is the dryest we have... thank God! I came home from work tonight to find this:

A view from the top so his spots show up

I forgot with John Henry so had to get the "in arms" photo! He weighs about 27 pounds...

I think Becky Lynn is proud of her boy

It's too late and too cold to clean him up and get him all wet, so we dug the foal blankets out of the barn and double-blanketed him for the night.

If he doesn't tell me different, I think I'll call him Noah ;)


Mikey said...

Oh heaven's he's adorable!!! What a cutie! A Christmas baby!!! close anyway :)
Absolutely too cute!!

Reddunappy said...

OH! he is so cute! at least you got the spots LOL even if he was a boy! darn boys anyway LOL My mom bred her mare twice and she got colts both times, she so wanted a filly to carry on that maternal line.

Debby said...

I think you should name him Leon. Like the song.

gtyyup said...

He is one adorable cutie pie!!! Congratulations!! A wonderful Christmas gift.

Lil Mama said...

Oh so cute. I want a mini donkey so bad. I don't think the goats want to share their pen though.

kdwhorses said...

How sweet is he!!!! Love it! congrats!

I hear ya about the mud and muck!! It has been yuck here, today it is sunny and supposed to be tomorrow, than back to winter weather!