Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Fixin' Fence

Well my dogs love to chase bunnies, but the bunnies have learned where the fence is and they zip right through it. Unfortunately there is a section in the back corner that is still 4x4 wire adn Sherman recently chased a bunny through there and found he could fit too. He got in big trouble a couple times for leaving the yard, and was behaving again, but yesterday morning he went through and took Ty with him! And that is NOT going to happen again!!! So I'm fixing fence... can't afford to replace the 4x4 wire yet but had some scrap of the shorter no-climb so i'm wiring it along the bottom of the back fence. Sure wears me out in this heat but I got a good section done before dark last night and another good section tonight. Will finish wiring together in the morning, then have to search out one more piece of scrap for the last section...

I'm just relieved that for whatever reason, the big mean dogs that I USED to see in that neighbor's yard have not been out lately...

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